- Click "new page" at the top right of the webpage.
- At the bottom of the window that pops up, enter profiles/hooter/pages/[USERNAME] where [USERNAME] is your character's username in all lowercase.
- Select "code" (HTML) as your page type.
- Enter your character's username as the title and display name as their short description.
- Add a "ic" tag.
- Click "done." You should see a page with HTML code on it now.
- Copy the code from here and use it as a template for your page. Feel free to add your own profile picture and header, or find default ones here.
- Click "create" and you're done. You can always edit the page if something is wrong.
- If you want your character to have their own "following" page that lists every onscreen nexus account that they follow, create a new page at profiles/hooter/pages/[USERNAME]/following in rich text, then make a list of them using bullet points.