A corvette is a size class of ship owned by most civilians in the Fringe. Corvette ships make up the largest amount of Civilian use in the Fringe, and the CSC (United Systems Catalog of Spacecraft Classifications) most popular range of Classes (Sparrow-Condor) ((OOC Note: T1-T8)) all fit within this ship type's range. These also happen to make up the brunt of the smallest standard military vessels around, as anything smaller usually cannot handle military plating or weaponry without added strain on power reserves. Armor on these ships is most definitely an upgrade from sub-Corvette, though they can't handle much during an actual battle, and make up for that weakness with designs that boast phenomenal acceleration to minimize the time that would be spent in a fire zone. Weaponry often consists of smaller magnetic kinetic guns or energy turrets, with Fringe ships commonly sporting ramming heads to incapacitate or breach other ships. These ships can still be crewed by a single person, though small crews of 3-5 make it easier to handle.
Length: 90-120 m
Height: 60-85 m
Width: 35-60 m
Of these specifications, the longest dimension shall be treated as the ship's 'length', followed by height, and then width.