Chlororite is a metallic material grown and harvested by many Floran colonies. Chlororite is not a mined ore, but rather a special crystalline metal that can be grown into shapes, having in its crystalline structure strong plant cells that act similar to carbon tubes. Chlororite is approximately the strength of durasteel but lesser. One special quality of Chlororite, however, is that when exposed to sunlight it slowly regenerates itself; armor will slowly repair itself in direct sunlight and blades will grow to their original sharpness. Chlororite can be found naturally occurring underground in planets with very fertile soils, usually jungle planets of class III or IV habitability, the latter of which being able to hold it in high abundance. A disadvantage of Chlororite is that attempting to smelt it will ruin the crystalline structure, giving it the mere durability of tin - it must be cut or grown to certain shapes. Chlororite is bright green and translucent; it glows a very dim green after being exposed to light.
A lesser-known property of chlororite is that its presence of natural materials in its structure allows it to conduct certain biokinetic abilities, allowing some psions that use biokenesis to bend and shape the metal to a small degree. When grounded down, chlororite dust is one of the best fertilizers one can use, speeding the growth of plants by an astonishing factor of two and making their stems stronger. Chlororite dust can also be snorted to cause floral species to hallucinate, making it a popular drug as well that is addictive. The wisemen of Floran tribes often consume or snort chlororite to give them visions that they may make decisions upon. Other possible uses of this resource may exist, but are not researched yet.