Metagame Warning!
The knowledge in this page may not be accessible to the average character, as it may not be common knowledge.
Please consider if your character would know this knowledge first before using it in roleplay.
A tulpa, also called thoughtforms or emanations, is a mental construct existing as an individual personalities. Tulpas can serve a wide variety of different purposes, and can have a range of different complexities from being simple non-sapient mental 'routines' or servants to being entirely sapient and self-aware personalities. Tulpas are easily created using various neuroinvasive techniques on one's own mind, greatly enhancing visualization techniques in the formation of the tulpa, an act called 'forcing'. It is completely possible to create a tulpa without the aid of neuroinvasive psionics, though it is a long and tedious process. Tulpas can often manifest as sensory hallucinations to their creator, able to appear in their vision and even speak if they have the ability to - it is even possible for them to take over their creator's body, if control is given - or taken.
Tulpas truly shine when used in various psionic abilities. Using neuroinvasive techniques, it is possible to create tulpas with very specific traits and personalities, and it is even possible for tulpas to use psionic abilities. One can also use neuroinvasion to copy tulpas, modify them, and destroy them. Tulpas are vital when giving psionic abilities true minds beyond simple metamanipulated animation, as it is possible for tulpas to inhabit flux constructs, affect and be affected by psionic abilities, and even be transferred to other minds. The possibilities are endless. It is even possible for tulpas capable of psionics to have an aptitude entirely different from their creator, though it is very difficult for non-sapient tulpas to develop abilities of their own, requiring abilities to be 'transferred' or shared by their creator. Tulpas can also be used to 'automate' certain psionic abilities, taking focus off of certain abilities and delegating them to a lesser tulpa, such as an ability that only activates when certain conditions are met, or activates in reaction to a neuroinvasive attack (detection of neuroinasive attacks can be done using clairsentience).
Due to the often uncontrollable nature of forced awakenings, it is very possible for an awakening neuroinvader to accidentally create a tulpa without even realizing it. Sometimes, instead of aiding the psion, some tulpas can often be harmful forces manifesting as malicious hallucinations, even forming part of a psionic disorder.
Though they are typically created and changed neuroinvasively, tulpas are inherently non-psionic when fully within a mind. Exceptions include when a tulpa is utilized as part of a curse or boon, or when they are inhabiting a flux construct.
Neuroinvasive Tulpas
Tulpas are fairly easy for neuroinvaders to create, and have a wide variety of uses such as: escaping trauma, automating psionic abilities, putting your body on 'autopilot', creating the minds of flux constructs, or even just for companionship, and much more. In addition, fully sapient tulpas can be indistinguishable from actual minds - because they are actual minds, with their own memories, experiences, and personalities. Food for thought.