Metagame Warning!
The knowledge in this page may not be accessible to the average character, as it may not be common knowledge.
Please consider if your character would know this knowledge first before using it in roleplay.
Author Note: See 'public knowledge' section of psionics lore.
"Do you see this?" she questioned, anomalous energies visible only to him beginning to shroud her body gently - before suddenly, they intensified, suddenly burning like an incredible, white-hot fire. Her eyes turned black like the abyss, the mood of the room instantly turning over as he was drawn to her eyes, which seemed to have an infinite depth to them, leading to a single, pin-sized point of the purest white. The aura surrounding her burned with an incredible power, and he immediately felt pins and needles across his body as the monster before him seemed to reveal itself in the swirling vortex before him, a terrifying wide smile appearing in the flames.
Aberrant abilities are a special subject, acting as a subject for abilities that do not fall into any other category. Psions cannot have an aptitude for the aberrant subject - psions that have aberrant abilities develop them through some other means, outside of their normal aptitude. Regardless, psions that have abilities in the aberrant subject can be called aberrants. In almost every case, aberrant abilities cannot be trained; they usually manifest out of chance or exposure to incredibly high cuils, or have evolved as part of a species. Most aberrant abilities also tend to be event-only. Abilities involving novel aspects of flux and flow manipulation also fall into this subject, such as those that may affect the flux of other psions.
You cannot have aptitude in the Aberrant subject.
Example Abilities: